Will the adverse balance of current account result in monetary crisis? 经常项目逆差会导致货币危机吗?
But S& P said some Asian economies, such as Australia, China and Hong Kong, would be able to assume higher debt levels without a materially adverse impact on their creditworthiness because of the relative strength of their balance sheets. 但标准普尔表示,澳大利亚、中国和香港等一些亚洲经济体由于资产负债表相对有实力,将能够在不给本国信用评级带来重大负面影响的情况下,承担更高的债务水平。
The basic status of China-Korea trade is that there is vast Chinas adverse balance, which exceeds the export amount of Korea in some years. 中韩贸易的基本状况是:中方逆差总额巨大,在有些年份中超过对韩出口额。
The EMEA takes appropriate actions if adverse drug reaction reports suggest changes to the benefit-risk balance of a medicinal product. 如果有害的药物反应报告表明医药产品利益-风险平衡有变化,EMEA会采取合理的措施。
A Brief Analysis of Adverse Balance of American Frequent Items and the Sustainability of Economic Growth current account surplus 美国经常账户逆差与经济增长持续性浅析及对中国的启示国际收支经常项目顺差
He pointed to the strength of our financial system: despite the adverse shocks of the past year, our banking system remains healthy and well-regulated, and firm and household balance sheets are for the most part in good shape. 他指出了美国金融体系的强度:尽管过去一年里遭受多次负面冲击,美国银行体系仍保持健康,并受到良好的监管。企业和家庭的资产负债表大部分处于良好形态。
Adverse Geological Conditions 'Effect and Analysis on Tunnel Boring Machine Construction The advantages more than balance the disadvantages. 不良地质条件对TBM施工的影响与探讨有利条件与不利条件相抵绰绰有余。
The country has had an adverse balance of trade for the second months running. 该国已连续两个月有贸易逆差。
Thus, in order to make the Sino-America trade develop in a healthy way, it is necessary to further study the structure, scale, origin causes and influence of Sino-America adverse balance. 所以,为了使中美经贸关系持续健康发展,有必要深入研究中美贸易逆差的结构特点、规模、成因、影响等,从而使双方都可以客观看待这一问题,缓和中美两国之间的摩擦。
Such a conclusion must happen finally: We can dissolve the adverse effect between the work and family to a certain extent, but must make the essential balance measure from three respects in country, organization, individual. 最后得出这样的结论:在某种程度上我们可以化解工作和家庭之间的不利影响,但是必须从国家、组织、个人三方面做出必要的平衡措施。
The USA Technology Export Control to China and the Adverse Balance of Trade: Essence and Proposals 美国对华出口管制与美对华贸易逆差:实质与对策
Conclusion: Long-term deliberate hypotension with SNP had no adverse effect on cerebral oxygen balance, lactate metabolism and ICP. 结论:颅底手术行异氟醚吸入、硝普钠静滴控制性降压可保持脑氧供需平衡稳定,不影响颅内压。
The dispute of the adverse balance of trade between China and America mainly lies in the statistic gap between export and import of the two countries, among which the adoption of regulations of the country of origin is an important factor. 中美贸易逆差数额争议主要产生在两国的进出口统计的差异,其中原产地规则的采用是一个重要因素。
The result shows that trade of Korea-China on the whole is favorable balance, but adverse balance in simply agriculture. 结果表明:韩国对中国的贸易总体上是顺差,但在农业贸易方面却为逆差;
Has foreign capital flowed back to China?-Reflection on the adverse balance of US current account 外资回来了吗?&由美国经常项目逆差扩大引起的思考
The adverse balance of Chinese service trade deficit is broadening. 从服务贸易总体上看,我国服务贸易连续多年处于逆差状态,且呈进一步扩大之势。
On the Regulations of the Country of Origin from the Dispute of the Adverse Balance of Trade between China and America 从中美贸易逆差数额争议看原产地规则
A Brief Analysis of Adverse Balance of American Frequent Items and a Policy of Strong U.S Dollars 美国经常项目逆差与强势美元政策浅析
The educational trade service in China has enjoyed a rapid growth in recent years, while the enormous adverse balance of trade and the large gap needed filling both reflect that the whole international competitiveness of our education industry is still relatively weak. 研究表明虽然我国教育服务贸易近年来增长迅速,但我国教育的整体国际竞争力仍然较弱,存在巨大的贸易逆差,与教育发达国家的差距明显。
On Adjusting the Adverse Balance in Foreign Trade 关于调整对外贸易逆差问题
Adverse effects are not only central point but also a balance point of subsidies and countervailing measures. Only the countries affected adversely by subsidies can take countervailing measures. 不利影响既是补贴与反补贴问题的中心点,又是一个平衡点,只有受到补贴不利影响的国家才能采取反补贴措施。
At last, according to the major adverse consequences, this paper offers some countermeasures and suggestions on how to balance the interest gambling in land acquisition of suburb villages. 最后针对征地拆迁利益博弈的不利后果,提出平衡城郊村征地拆迁利益博弈的对策建议。
Therefore, in order to counteract the adverse effect by abusing, it is a must to make regulating and find a balance between the interests of patentee and the public. 为了规制专利制度被滥用的风险,必须对其保护进行合理限制,从而在专利权人利益和社会公共利益之间寻求一个平衡点。
However, behind this "double surplus", China actually is a capital export country with favorable balance in current account and adverse balance in capital and financial account. 而在这种表面的双顺差的背后隐藏的机理表明我国是经常账户顺差、资本与金融账户逆差的资本输出国。
Wordsworth holds that the industrialization has adverse effects on agriculture, nature and human relationship. He advocates the ecological balance and the equality between human and nature. 结论部分总结叙述了华兹华斯认为工业化的对农业的发展,自然环境和人际关系有负面的影响,倡导生态平衡和人与自然的平等。
However, the protection of technological measures has some adverse effect on the balance of interests in copyright law system, so how to maintain the balance of interests between copyright owners and the public becomes a tough problem. 然而,技术措施给版权制度的利益平衡带来了负面的影响,如何在信息时代维持版权人和公众之间利益的平衡成了各国立法中的难题。